Working with filters

To start working with filters, open the ‘Filter settings for User Photo Region’ dialog in the Template Creator. To open the dialog, use one of the methods below:

The filter settings dialog contains 3 columns:

You can add filters using one of the methods below:

The ‘Add new filter’ dialog contains two columns. The left column shows the list of filters; the right column displays information on the current filter.

Filters can be searched by name. To do so, start typing a filter name in the search field in the left column. Selecting a filter in the left column and clicking OK in the bottom right corner will add the filter to the current user photo region.

Filters are added in sequence, one after another, but you can shuffle them (change their order), as well as add, remove, copy and move them in the way you want it.

Filters can be copied and moved:

  • inside one orientation;
  • from one orientation into another;
  • from one project into another.

You can perform different operations on added filters using the following:

Changing the order of filters application affects the eventual result.

Talking about copying and disabling filters, we must pay special attention to Face Insertion, Figure Extraction and Rasterization filters.

The copying filters option cannot be applied to the Face Insertion and Figure Extraction filters. Instead of copying the Face Insertion filter, you can copy the face region in the PSD document or create a new face region with the help of the Template Creator. The Face insertion filter will be added automatically when you reparse the document.

In a similar way, instead of copying the Figure Extraction filter, you can copy the figure region in the PSD document or create a new figure region with the help of the Template Creator. The Figure Extraction filter will be added automatically when you reparse the document.

As for disabling filters, it should be kept in mind that the Face insertion and Figure Extraction filters cannot be disabled since they act as important structural components of a template and determine its composition.

When copying the Rasterization filter, make sure that the correct sticker is specified in the copied filter settings.

You can edit the settings of a selected filter in the middle column. At the bottom of the column you can see brief context help messages for a selected parameter.

If you want to specify a non-integral value in one of the filter parameters, please use decimals. A comma or a period are used as a delimiter, depending on system regional settings. In case you use an invalid delimiter, the Template Creator will warn you about that with an error message. If you have trouble using a a period as a delimiter, try using a comma instead, and vice versa.

The right side of the filter settings dialog contains preview area.

The preview area has several limitations:

Click the Help button (or press the F1 key) to display the filters on-line documentation on the Template Creator website.

If you need help regarding a particular filter, select it in the list first. In this case a built-in help section dedicated to this particular filter will open.